
SnapManager Exchange or SQL Service failed to start

or why .NET-Applications need long to start: "A common cause that I have seen often recently is Certificate Revocation List (CRL) checking when generating Publisher Evidence for Code Access Security (CAS)."[1]

In my case the Exchange Sever didn't had anymore direct access to the internet. The CRL checking during the SM Serverice Startup failed. This took longer than 30 seconds and causes the service start to time out. Adding some lines to the SnapMgrService.exe.config prevent the service to do the online CRL check. No further timeouts, services starts.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
        <generatePublisherEvidence enabled="false"/>
Same issue some month's later with a SnapManager SQL installation. Good to have a cheat sheet for the most wired thing online.
[1] Best Practice - <GeneratePublisherEvidence> in ASPNET.CONFIG


Granting Permissions to Domain Admin group on SQL Server 2008 Instance

I just wondered about why i couldn't login as member of the domain administrators group to the SQL-Server after i added this group to the SQL as sysadmin. If i add me as user itself the login workes fine.  Here is the right "procedure":

- Add Domain Admins group in the SQL Server Security Login
- Give Sysadmin rights to the Domain Admins group

AND (if you login as member of the group)

- Disable UAC or start the SQL Server Management Studio as an Administrator